
Thursday Favorite Things (TFT) #484

I’m so glad you’ve stopped by for the Thursday Favorite Things (TFT) link party today.  Thank you for being here!

I’ve not been feeling my best for a few months now, as I’ve been dealing with inflammatory arthritis. (It’s different from the more typical osteoarthritis, in that it’s an inflammatory, autoimmune process often associated with Sjogren’s, lupus, etc. and is the type of arthritis associated with rheumatoid arthritis.)  I have Sjogren’s Syndrome, so that’s the source of it.  Who knew it would hurt so much just to get off of the sofa or a chair??

I bring this up mainly to ask, have any of you taken Methotrexate for inflammatory arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus arthritis, Sjogren’s arthritis, etc.?) My rheumatologist has prescribed it. If you have taken Methotraxate, or have managed to avoid it, I’d love to hear your experience! 

Our sweet Sunny did another “death fakeout” as we call it, a couple of days ago.  She’s in kidney failure, and every once in a while she has a rare bad day, that makes us think it’s one of her last. We prepare for the worst, but, every time it happens, she gets up the next morning and is back to her current Sunny self.  She’s such a happy girl.  The last couple of days, she seems absolutely recovered from her “death fakeout,” so we are grateful for that!

Some days Sunny looks 15, but some days she doesn’t!

Here are my features from last week’s party:

(I pin all of my features to my Thursday Favorite Things Pinterest board. Please pin from the original blogs, but I’d love for you to pin this collage!)

How to Use Green Plants in Your Home Decor from Bluesky at Home

Easy Italian Easter Bread from All Things Bread

It’s O.K. to Be Sad from Shelbee on the Edge

Cheesy Egg and Broccoli Bake from Nancy C.

On with the party!


Our Hostesses

Please follow our hostesses’ blogs and social media. You will be so happy you did. They all choose their own features every week, so, don’t forget to leave a comment with your party link number. (Some of the features often come from the comments.) Please pin from the original blogs, and share the party with your social networks and blog friends!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

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  1. Oh Pam, I am so sorry to hear you're struggling with arthritis pain, I truly hope you find some relief soon…and your precious pup, loosing a pet is heartbreaking…thank you for hosting today,#40, 43, 44… you are in my prayers

    1. Thanks so much for the prayers, Jenna. I can't even imagine not having Sunny anymore, so I'm just trying to enjoy every day with her. Still pondering my medication decision!

  2. Pam, thanks so much for the feature today! What a lovely surprise. I am so sorry to hear about your struggle with arthritis. I only suffer a little bit from mild arthritis in my shoulders and sometimes my wrists. But I don't really need to treat it at this point so I have nothing to offer you with regard to medications. I do find yoga very helpful for all sorts of issues…both physical and mental, but it sounds like you need more aggressive pain management than that. In any event, I am sending some healing energy your way! I linked new posts at 62, 63, and 64.


  3. Pam,
    sorry to hear this…My sister has Discoid Lupus and my niece, her oldest daughter, has Sojogren's Syndrome and I have Hashimoto's which all cause joint pain and swelling and muscle pain. Auto Immune disease runs in my family with my maternal grandmother having RA and most likely Lupus….None of us have been on Methotrexate so I can't help you there but I do know it helps a lot of people….Hope you feel better soon but I sure do understand how you feel….
    My Number s of my Link Ups for this week are #59 and 60!!!
    Thanks so much for taking the time to host this lovely party!! Happy Easter to you and your family!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. Thanks so much, Debbie. I have Hashimoto's as well. (I think we might have talked about that before, can't remember!) It's crazy how autoimmune illnesses run in families, isn't it? Thanks so much for being here so faithfully. 🙂

  4. So sorry you're not feeling well! I can relate, and I know for sure, it's frustrating. Fingers crossed for healing and peace!


  5. Sorry to hear you've been having a tough go of it lately, Pam. I can't offer any information regarding the meds but last year I completely went off of sugar and my inflammation and pain almost completely disappeared. When I went back on sugar, all my symptoms came back again. I now substitute sugar with stevia. Thanks for hosting and wishing you a Happy Thursday!

    1. Thanks so much, Marie. I agree about the sugar–I did reduce my sugar over the last year or so. (I love Stevia, also.) But the rest of my diet isn't what I would call anti-inflammatory, so I'm trying to work on that too!

  6. Thanks for hosting, Pam! I'm sorry you are hurting so much. Getting old is not for sissys, I tell ya!! I'm praying for relief, grace and endurance for you this morning and that your weekend will be pain-less! I'm at 91 & 92 this week.

  7. Hi sweetie so sorry to learn you are suffering so. Hubby said a big fat "N O" to methotrexate. But he takes Plaquenil and it has given him great comfort. He has RA and I have OA. Lovely spring features my friend xo

    1. Thanks, friend. I take Plaquenil, too. It seems to help with some of the symptoms, but this pain has really been too much for the Plaquenil. xo

  8. Just visiting links today, nothing to linkup. I have parties open if you'd like to drop by with some of your posts. As for methotrexate, I have taken it but it did not agree with me. I hope you can find something to help relieve your pain.

  9. Thank you for hosting the party. I'm so sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well. Autoimmune diseases can be so hard. The Dr. put me on Gabapentin, but I got off of it at soon as I could. I agree with you on trying to do whatever you can do naturally, but sometimes it gets to the point that you have to do something else. Good luck and I hope that whatever you do, helps. Our links this week are: #185, #186, & #187. Have a great week.

  10. Pam, I'm so sorry for your suffering! I had a destructive autoimmune response to a flu shot (it took them 2 years to confirm it was a rare cause) that has left me with burning pains in both hands. I resisted taking the Gabapentin and kept trying to reduce the dosage. But, you know what, it works and allows me to live mostly pain free, craft, paint, etc. And, after the initial weeks of getting use to it (made me sleepy), I have zero side affects. I hope you find a treatment that works for you.

    1. Thanks so much, Debbee. I'm so sorry to hear about the pain in your hands. Glad to hear the medication worked for you!

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